May 30 2024

Jean Viallet giving a conference at Grenoble CEA

Jean Viallet of INOVOTION will be giving a conference at Grenoble CEA on May 30th at 11:00AM, entitled:
“A unique platform for in vivo, 3Rs-compliant evaluation of oncology & immuno-oncology drug candidates and biomaterial compatibility”
To attend, please contact Nadia Cherradi or Odile Filhol.

INOVOTION’s unique platform provides early analysis for drug candidates from small molecules to biologics, before the classical preclinical stage. By eliminating low-value molecules and biomaterial early, INOVOTION accelerates the drug discovery process, increases R&D productivity, and reduces its costs.

After the conference, Jean Viallet will be available to discuss your research projects.
Feel free to also contact him directly at

Nadia Cherradi, Research Director at INSERM, Team Leader for Cellular Invasion in Angiogenesis and Cancer, Biology and Biotechnology for Health Lab, INSERM | CEA | Université Grenoble Alpes, will also give a testimonial of her experience using Inovotion’s platform.

Many thanks once again to Nadia Cherradi and Odile Filhol for hosting this conference !

Feel free to also contact us at:

oncology preclinical drugdiscovery

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